- Click to purchase green tea related: Skincare Products, Supplements, Books & Water Filters.
- Polyphenol Antioxidant Ratings (AO): Many of our teas are tested at the Univ. of Guelph, in Ontario and rated with AO's of: High (7.5-10%), Very High (10-12.5%) or Ultra High (12.5+%) v.s. typical AO's of 5%-6% for store bought teas. These ratings are noted in the tea descriptions.
- Food safety & ethical programs: Our producer's teas conform to a variety of programs including: HACCP; GMP; Homeland Security's C-TPAT; ETP; Fair Trade; ISO 14001, and for our organic products certfications from USDA (NOP), Canada (CFIA-COR) and EU (OF&G).
- 1oz/30g of tea makes 15-30 cups: Our premium loose leaf teas can be infused more than once, (2-3 times).
- Useful comparisons by green tea type (unit=mg/100g):
Tanin: 11.0
Caffeine: 2.0
Aminos: 19.7
Fiber: 19.5
Minerals: 5.5
A: 7800iu
B1: 0.25
B2: 1.40
B3: 5.4
E: N/A |
Tanin: 10.0
Caffeine: 3.5
Aminos: 29.1
Fiber: 11.1
Minerals: 6.4
A: 12000iu
B1: 0.30
B2: 1.16
B3: 6.0
C: 110
E: N/A
Tanin: 9.5
Caffeine: 1.9
Aminos: 18.2
Fiber: 18.7
Minerals: 5.5
A: 6700iu
B1: 0.10
B2: 0.82
B3: 5.6
C: 44
E: N/A |
Tanin: 10.0
Caffeine: 3.2
Amino Acid: 30.7
Fiber: 10.0
Minerals: 7.4
A: 16000iu
B1: 0.60
B2: 1.35
B3: 4.0
C: 60
E: 28.2 |
Tanin: 13.0
Caffeine: 2.3
Amino Acid: 24.0
Fiber: 10.6
Minerals: 5.4
A: 7200iu
B1: 0.35
B2: 1.40
B3: 4.0
C: 250
E: 65.4 |
- Strainers: Are rather important parts of a teapot because they determine how well the tealeaves open up to get the most aroma, taste and color out during the brewing process. Strainer types also determine how easily a pot can be cleaned after use. Strainer types: