Green Tea: Ancient Wisdom, Scientific Fact - Since its discovery, green tea has become renowned for its pharmacological properties. While green tea is not classified as a medicine, it does contain medicinal substances.
It is ranked as a leading health-giving substance in traditional Chinese medicine. Scientific research is now proving these benefits are due to the antioxidants present in green tea which have shown to be effective in a variety of areas discussed in this section:
Whats in Green Tea Makes It Healthy?
Our producer's researchers have successfully isolated the active ingredients of green tea, including catechin, theanine and saponin. Discover what vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients and active ingredients exist in green tea. Learn their health benefits and what they contribute to the taste and aroma of green tea. Learn what counteracts the effects of caffeine in green tea?
Green Tea's Antioxidant Properties
Catechin works to scavenge active oxygen species in the blood. These species are beneficial because they help protect the body from harmful microorganism.
Green Tea Diet & Weight Loss
This section provides some of the latest green tea weight loss research. There are studies on: green tea consumption & body fat reduction, green tea's increase of metabolism, Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the benefits of tea, and a green tea derivative causing weight loss.
Green Tea & Cancer
Epidemiological observations have shown that people in green-tea consuming countries-mainly Japan and China-have very low rates of cancer. In Japan, the women who teach the tea ceremony, drinking more than average amounts of extra-strong green tea, are noted for a low mortality rate and longevity; deaths from cancer are especially rare.
Green Tea & Other Conditions
Green tea has numerous benefits for disease prevention and anti-aging purposes. We review how green tea protects the cardiovascular system, the brain, the kidneys, and other aspects of physiology. The ability to lower blood sugar, chelate iron and control the production of nitric oxide are all especially important. Green tea is custom-made to protect health and delay aging.
White Tea Health Information
White teas are very rare and seldom found outside of China. They are made from buds and young leaves, which are steamed or fired to inactivate polyphenol oxidase, and then dried. Thus, white tea retains the high concentrations of catechins present in fresh tea leaves. Green tea is made from more mature tea leaves than white tea, and may be withered prior to steaming or firing.
Roiboos Health Information
Rooibos tea has become popular because of its fruity, sweet taste and its caffeine-free, low tannin, antioxidant-rich status. Although more research is needed, rooibos appears to be safe and free of side effects. The antioxidants present in rooibos may help protect against free radical damage that can lead to cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Unfermented (green) rooibos has a higher amount of polyphenols than traditional fermented rooibos and generally demonstrates higher antioxidant and antimutagenic capabilities.

Free Radicals & Cellular Damage - Oxygen is essential for all human beings. Once taken into the body, oxygen triggers the burning of glucose and fat. Humans live on the energy produced through this oxidation process.
Free radical atoms or groups of atoms can kill germs once they enter the body. However, they can also join readily with other compounds to attack cells and cause a great deal of damage to the body. An overabundance of free radicals in the body can lead to infections and various degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It alters the way cells code genetic material, and speeds up the aging process as well. If this occurs in one’s body, SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), a defending enzyme, removes oxygenic poison.
Free radicals cause the following damage:- Damage to genes leading to cancer.
- Oxidation of cholesterol, changing it into “bad” cholesterol which causes arterial sclerosis and high blood pressure.
- Narrowing of blood vessels which may cause thrombosis such as cerebral infarction (stroke) and cardiac infarction (heart attack), and deteriorates functions of tissues due to blockage of blood flow.
- Oxidation of cell walls deteriorating functions of organs and causing aging effects such as wrinkling.
- Ultraviolet rays also produce free radicals which create melanin, causing skin blotches and freckles.
